
Showing posts from June, 2022

Ukrainian Crisis Centre Ireland – Humanitarian Appeal

As part of our ongoing effort to support the victims of the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine, we have partnered with the Ukrainian Crisis Centre to appeal to our clientele for support and are pledging to match all donations made by our clients. About the organization: Ukrainian Crisis Centre Appeal is a registered non-profit (CRO number 715869) established by volunteers from the Ukrainian community in Ireland with the purpose of providing urgently needed humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian victims of war. UCCI is coordinating the collection and delivery of humanitarian aid to Ukraine and providing support to Ukrainian refugees in Ireland, as well as organizing various activities to facilitate the integration of Ukrainian refugees into Irish society. With relatives and friends of the organization directly affected by the war, they know what is most needed, act fast, and provide direct assistance.  What does the UCCI do? Daily, the UCCI assists more than 200 Ukrainian...

5 Ways to Network as an Independent Professional

  Networking is an integral ingredient for long-term success as an Independent Professional. In this piece, we provide tips and guidance on how to make your network have an impact on your net worth! In our work with thousands of contractors every year at Icon Accounting, we see firsthand how the greater independence, better pay, and improved career trajectory are a no-brainer for more and more professionals every year. While virtual work has brought positive changes to the nature of work, one area it hasn’t helped with is networking. It’s all too easy to keep our heads down, stick to the work at hand, and miss the spontaneity that an office or traditional workplace setting can bring. That’s why at Icon we recommend an active approach to networking. Networking can often get a bad reputation as wasted time accumulating business cards and looking for handouts. In reality, networking is simply about building valuable relationships. Real relationships are built with mutual respect, sha...

Claiming Tax Relief on Business Equipment

As an Independent Professional Contractor, it is possible to purchase business equipment that you require to carry out your contract and to apply tax relief to the expense. In this blog piece by Gerard Kiernan, we discuss what business equipment you can claim for and how much tax you can save as a result of processing it through the business. As an Independent Professional Contractor, it is possible to purchase business equipment that you require to carry out your contract and to apply tax relief to the expense. In this blog piece, we discuss what business equipment you can claim for and how much tax you can save as a result of processing it through the business. First, we will go through all the main aspects associated with tax relief on equipment in your business with straightforward examples. What business equipment can I purchase through my Limited Company? You can purchase business assets in your limited company that is required wholly and exclusively for use in the business....