Contracting versus Freelancing - What's the Difference?
While contracting and freelancing are similar yet different, it’s important to distinguish between them. In this blog, we will break down both freelancing and contracting and show you the benefits and differences so you can decipher which title or path is best for you. Since the pandemic, the number of people entering freelancing and contracting roles has shot up. The need for employees to be permanent isn’t as vital as it once was, as employers now look at hiring independent professionals to complete tasks using their expertise and skills-set. Likewise, more workers are now exploring the benefits of acting as Independent professionals, in comparison to that ‘permanent employees. While contracting and freelancing are similar yet different, it’s important to distinguish between them. In this blog, we will break down both freelancing and contracting and show you the benefits and differences so you can decipher which title or path is best for you. Who are freelancers? ...