Changes on Employer Contributions to PRSA’s
The Finance Act 2022 enacted multiple changes to pensions, some of which may make business owners consider their options in the future. Learn about the changes and organize a free consultation with our expert pension partner! The Finance Act 2022 was enacted on 15 December 2022. Amongst other changes to pensions, the Act confirmed that the Benefit in Kind for an employee, which was previously triggered by an employer contribution to a PRSA, has been removed. This comes into effect on 1 January 2023. Impact for Employees For ordinary employees saving for retirement in a Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA) this is a positive change. They will now be given the same tax treatment as occupational pension scheme members in relation to any employer contributions to their pension scheme. Previously where an employer paid into the PRSA, that employer contribution used up part of the employee’s own scope within their age-related limits to pension their income. This is no long...